25 Reasons People Don’t Go to Church

It seems like there’s a new church opening its doors every week where I live. It’s hard to believe that there is still a growing number of Christians who have stop going to church. When I was younger, I can’t remember missing a Sunday from church, in fact I started to believe we vacationed there. If you do a Google Search for reasons why people don’t go to church anymore, you will find hundreds of articles written by bloggers, research analysts, pastors, and church goers listing many of the same reasons I have compiled below. Although many of these reasons are nothing more than excuses in neglecting to fellowship with other believers, I’d like to offer you a personal perspective, but 1st look at

25 Reasons People Don’t Go To Church
(Emphasis Mine)

1. Church lasts to long (I wouldn’t know, I’m ADHD)
2. Fear of being judged (by who? other sinners?)
3. Church is boring (checkmate)
4. They only preach hell & damnation. (What Church Do You Attend?)
5. They only want your money. (This Sounds more like it!)
6. The church is filled with hypocrites (true, the moment you stepped in the door)
7. I’ve been hurt in the church (who hasn’t? this one lady started running with her eyes close- and charged straight into me- luckily she hit the floor first & seemed to have knocked her own self out)
8. I don’t trust the pastors (no comment)

Church is Like a Cult, (no wait... What's a Cult?)#ReasonsPeopleDontGoToChurch Church Share on X

9. Church is like a cult (what’s a cult?)
10. They don’t even preach about Jesus (deep sigh)
11. I hate church folks but love God (where they do this at?)
12. It’s organized religion (I wonder if disorganized religion is better?)
13. Church is a big show (but they don’t allow food in the sanctuary…)
14. Church has changed (so have you, you use to have all your teeth…)
15. Church has become political (….)
16. Does very little for their community (some how I just lost my thought)

They only want your money (and I’m broke?)

17. My children’s needs aren’t being met (do they need food, diapers, or clothes?)
18. I don’t feel any closer to God after going (did you talk to Him?)
19. No one knows my name (mine either, on purpose!)
20. They only care about the numbers (hey…. I watch that show! #Netflix)
21. It feels more like jail (no comment)
22. They talk down to their members (stand on a stool?)
23. It’s fake (ouch)
24. I just don’t want to go (at last!!! The Truth!!!!!)
25. Haven’t found the “right church” (back to square one, are you looking?)

As you can see many of these reasons, sound more like excuses borderline complaints that don’t really shed any light into why devout Christians are deciding to stay home on Sundays. I am not a big fan of crowds, so mega ministries/churches are great to work/consult with but utterly exhausting to attend. I believe in tithing, it’s a spiritual concept that involves a financial commitment. Pastors aren’t after my money, God is. Read Malachi 3:8 For years, after leaving my childhood church I search for a church home that felt like family where I could serve and fellowship with people I actually I had grown to love, respect, and pray for. Something changed for sure but I could not put my finger on it, until now.

In an effort for churches to become bigger and better they begin tweaking everything, and I mean everything! Salvation was replaced with Success and Faith took on Financial Stability. You no longer needed to Believe God for anything, you just needed to become something worth believing in. Everyone begin giving klout to people based on the acquisition of things, stature, and ability to influence others. Facebook shut down MySpace and Online Egos overdosed on likes, followers, and comments!

We don’t really live in “real time” anymore, which makes it virtually impossible to fellowship with anyone. We show up at places, to check in so people we don’t know will know that we were here only to leave having never really been there- which is why your pastor can preach a sermon you can’t remember just one hour after leaving the church parking lot. By the time the average church goer has arrived at church they have taken more selfies than they have uttered prayers all month! People aren’t fake, they are deceived, disillusioned at best. The New Church is void of the very presence of God. We stop lifting Jesus up, and started edifying ourselves and we get old, our acts become outdated and we have to keep hunting for bigger better acts to keep the new crowds entertained but their appetite is massive!!

I don’t think church is to long, I believe it’s to fast. I wish I could find a slower church. A church that moved at the speed of God’s leading. A church that didn’t cater to the world but focused on the Word of God as a creative resource for building up one another in faith, love, obedience, restoration through Jesus our Christ, Lord, & Savior.

to be continued….