The Marriage Between Fear & Lizards
There’s a huge difference between facing and addressing your fears.
I’ll be the first to admit that I am not a huge fan of facing things that make me afraid but I have learned the art of addressing them. I’ve seen people go to great lengths to face the people they were afraid of, and or to settle situations that were terrifying to them. I’ve witnessed people even hold animals that literally gave them panic attacks all in the name them, get on planes, boats and or rollercoasters they were terrified of all in the name of facing their fears.
If you haven’t guessed it yet, I hate lizards! It’s personal, its real, and I am not willing to face my extremely violent dislike for these creatures for anyone, even myself.
I H-A-T-E lizards.
In this podcast series I share how to look at fear a little differently in your business and or organization. Many people will tell you to face your fears as if that is a one size fits all solution to moving forward, but I do not agree.
As leaders, sometimes it’s even hard to confess your fears let alone acknowledge them in a public forum that may cause others to perceive you as being weak. To grow as a leader we must learn to address items that have high potential to derail our growth. Fear can be paralyzing when left unchecked. Facing your fears isn’t necessary when you take the proper steps to insure those fears don’t limit your progression or stop your production.
Eliminate the threat fear offers to your decisions moving forward, choose only to focus on what you are able to do to keep things going in your business without allowing distractions to derail your purpose.