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B.Slade Drops Musical Response to Church Critics #Conversation
B.Slade Drops Musical Response to Church Critics #Conversation Gospel Artist, formerly known as Tonex responds to critics after ministering at a church this past weekend dressed in attire resembling the likes of Micheal Jackson and Prince.
Before leaving a disgusting comment on this post, I think it’s time we have a real conversation. Most, if not all of what B.Slade sings in this song has profound weight in reality, truth, and exactly what is wrong with the “church” of today. I probably own every CD, DVD, & interview published on B.Slade formerly known as Tonex. He’s a real creative creature, much like the icons he embodies. Anthony Charles Williams II is different no doubt, but what I really think should be divulged is the church’s response to “confessed sins” and or struggles as opposed to the visible yet closeted acts of the church body as a whole. In the words of this eclectic artist, I think it’s time we had a conversation.
What happened in Oakland ?
yeah I heard that Tonex was in
I mean what ever his name…..B.Slade
whatever was at LOVE CENTER
and did you, did you see what he had on ?
I mean did you see what he had on ?
I mean like, how do you even minister
wearing something like that ?
Y’all haters corny with that
“He needs deliverance”
check out your choir stand
They all need deliverance (wild in’)
Attack my character
But Half of y’all Closeted
The last convention I attended was empty nest
my daddy was a pastor
but now he’s in a casket
my momma dead but y’all don’t care
you niggaz need to stop it
now gospel sucks
because ensembles snatched the choir robes
but if I dress like prince & michael I’m a homo
been acting shady since that interview I did with Lexi
I heard B.SLADE was a fag…..FAG
“I became a civilian after so much had happened to me
and uh I just had to step away from everything….. So this is my
first Sunday Morning Service in 7 years.”
I’m still here and I’m on it
and on Facebook they talkin
you sayin that you hate it but
my DMs say you still want it
I still pray for my haters
see you later alligator
I’m anointed with my shoulder pads
and my snatched waist and y’all hate it
I threw my hat off
and they caught it
don’t act new
I’ve been on it
I’m B.Slade all day
ok ok
I think it’s time we had a real conversation
I think it’s time we had a real conversation
Switched up your story since the last convocation
Look in the mirror have a self confrontation
alto’s sleeping with the drummer
now she back at the altar
alto’s sleeping with the bass player
now she back at the altar
Pastors trying to get my number in the lobby right after
you don’t know the price that I paid for my box of Alabastor
Heard “Make Me Over” on the radio station
you heard “Make Me Over” on the radio station
I’m the same dude that wrote them tunes
but you discriminating
I snatched them wigs but you ain’t gonna snatch my salvation
I’m still here and I’m on it
and on Facebook they talkin
you say that you hate it but
my DMs say you still want it
I still pray for my haters
see you later alligator
I’m anointed with my shoulder pads
and my snatched waist and y’all hate it
I threw my hat off
and they caught it
don’t act new
I’ve been on it
I’m B.Slade all day
ok ok
I think it’s time we had a real conversation
I think it’s time we had a real conversation
Switched up your story since the last convocation
Look in the mirror have a self confrontation
ok ok
I think it’s time we had a real conversation
I think it’s time we had a real conversation
I must be that dude if I caused all this conversation
always stay gracious, leave revenge to The Savior
released October 25, 2016
Copyright disclaimer! I do NOT own this song nor the image featured in the video. All rights belong to it’s rightful owner/owner’s. No copyright infringement intended. For promotional purposes only.
All Rights Reserved by BSlade
Watch “One More Time” featuring Zacardi Cortez
One of the most talked about voices in gospel music today belongs to 25-year-old singer, Zacardi Cortez. Over the last half dozen years, Cortez’ big voice and spine-tingling vocal gymnastics have distinguished James Fortune & FIYA’s radio smashes “I Believe” and “The Blood,” and made him one of the most sought-after singers in the business today for concerts and work in touring musical plays in this age of auto-tune stars. Now, he’s stepping into the spotlight with his own Top Ten radio smash, “One More Time,” a rousing duet with his mentor, Pastor John P. Kee. Houston’s Own Zacardi.
Born September 17, 1985 in Houston, TX, Cortez hails from a singing family of faith. He began singing at the age of five in church and worked the Texas gospel circuit with his family, The Cortez Singers. Later on, John P. Kee, adopted him as a spiritual son and began mentoring him. For a while, Cortez sang with Kee’s V.I.P. Mass Choir and sang a solo on the CD, Live at the Fellowship, in 2001. He later made guest shots on recordings by Kurt Carr, Bishop Paul S. Morton and Pastor Gregg Patrick & the Bridge Project.
Blacksmoke Media Worldwide CEO, Kerry Douglas
discovered Cortez and recruited him to sing the lead single, The Blood,” from James Fortune’s sophomore CD, The Transformation. The traditional styled song was a showcase for Cortez’ vast vocal range and gave Fortune his first Top 20 national radio hit. He has since recorded on all of Fortune’s subsequent CDs. His volcanic vocals, alongside those of Shawn McLemore, ushered Fortune’s track “I Believe” to #1 on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs chart for 14 weeks and earned them coveted TV performances on BET’s “Celebration of Gospel” and BET’s “Sunday Best” programs.
All of the buzz about Cortez’ old school vocal acrobatics have earned him celebrity fans ranging from soul singer John Legend to Le’Andria Johnson. On May 22, 2012, Blacksmoke Media Worldwide will debut Cortez’s CD debut, Zacardi Cortez: The Introduction. The first single, “One More Time,” is currently #5 on Billboard’s gospel chart. The set features both new and old school gospel tracks with cameos by Donnie McClurkin, Lalah Hathaway and Kierra Sheard. “Zacardi is one of the best singers on this planet,” says Douglas. “When people hear this album, they will understand why Zacardi is gospel’s next big superstar.”
For more information:
Visit or
#Watch Rain & Glory Medley via @EarnestPugh
Dove and Stellar Award nominated recording artist Earnest Pugh wants to spend Valentine’s Day with you – all year long. “My fans and supporters show me love 365 days a year,” the five-octave crooner says. “So, I wanted to give them a song to celebrate the loved ones in their lives.” The remake of the classic “You Are So Beautiful” is earning airplay on Adult R&B stations and Pugh just wrapped up a national contest surrounding the song.
The grand prizewinner Latasha Kennedy won a dozen roses, a box of chocolates and all six of Pugh’s hit CDs to help make her Valentine’s Day a little lovelier. As he mentioned previously, Pugh has been feeling the love all year round. His latest CD “The W.I.N. (Worship in Nassau) Experience” debuted at #1 on Billboard’s Top Gospel Albums chart this past fall and has already produced two big chart hits with the soaring ballad “More of You” and the urban flavored collaboration with J. Moss, “I Believe You Most.” The new single “All Things Through Christ” is a no holds barred, down-home vocal slugfest between Pugh and gospel legend Rance Allen. The dynamic song with a neo-soul doowop groove is making its way up the gospel chart.
Last year, Pugh’s now- classic “I Need Your Glory” (it spent 9 weeks at #1 on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs chart) earned special recognition from BMI as one of the most played gospel songs of the year. It was also the year that Pugh made two high-profile duets. He invited the renowned church-wrecker Beverly Crawford to join him on a song he wrote entitled “For My Good.” Then, he hooked up with R&B legend Lalah Hathaway on the inspiring “Every Promise.” Both songs landed on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs chart and make inroads for Gospel’s Leading Man at Adult R&B radio. Moreover, Pugh is now a record executive. His EPM Music Group label has issued hit projects by Chrystal Rucker, Vincent Tharpe & Kenosis, Charles Butler & Trinity and Keith Williams. After years of licensing his masters to other labels, Pugh’s own albums are now released through his P-Man Record label.
Pugh’s current success is a culmination of his childhood dreams. The 7th of nine children, the Memphis native was raised in church. His heroes then were gospel greats like Darryl Coley and Vanessa Bell Armstrong. “I literally stood in the mirror and pretended that I was them in concert,” he recalls. He started singing around his hometown and kept on singing during a 15-year military career. Once he retired, Pugh served as a worship leader at various churches in Houston, Atlanta and Washington, D.C. He also put together a demo and sent it to all the major gospel record labels. “Everybody turned me down,” he says but that didn’t sway him. He bankrolled his own CD with the help of some close friends. “A Worshipper’s Perspective” was released in 2006, the radio single, “Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up,” reached the Top 30 on the now defunct Radio & Records gospel chart.
It was a rough period for Pugh as his life was literally wrapped up, tied up and tangled up in crises. His eighteen-year marriage had fallen apart, he was battling his CD distributor and he was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis. It was also the year that Pugh’s mother was declared brain dead and died. He was left with the decision to pull the plug on his mother’s life support. “It literally threw me for a loop and shut me down for several months,” he says. “My mother was my everything. She is the reason I am doing what I am doing. I had to pull myself together to do what I knew she would want me to do and that was to minister to God’s people. She always said to me: `sing in the midst of everything, son.
It’s not what you go through but how you go through it. You must pack a praise down in your spirit at all times because where you are going – you’re gonna need it.’ I live by those words and those very words encourage me every time I step to a microphone to minister.”
In addition to the memories of his mother’s poignant words, Pugh was also soon armed with a bevy of hits to encourage him every time he stepped on stage. Huge success finally came in 2009 with the release of the CD project, “Earnest Pugh Live – Rain On Us.” The dynamic ballad “Rain On Us” catapulted him to super stardom in the Gospel music industry. The song escalated to the #1 position on Billboard’s Hot Gospel Songs chart and became the sixth most popular gospel song of 2010. The ensuing singles “The Great I Am” peaked at #15 and “Perfect Peace” reached #22 on the same chart. The CD rose to #2 on the Billboard Top Gospel Albums Chart.
Repetition is Consistency’s Cousin
Many times I’m caught on tape, asking my clients to create something that shows the world just how magical their brand is.
They are free to choose from:
Video Marketing
Event Marketing
Motionoless Media (posters, flyer, image, etc)
Even though the choice is theirs as to “how” they’d like to express their creativity with their audience, they often choose to follow up with another strategy session with me. Please note, that option was not on the list, but I often hear things like:
I need a better understanding
What type of equipment do I need?
I need better equipment
What would I say?
I hate my voice
My face is fat!!!
To their surprise, I always respond do it anyways! Repetition is consistency’s cousin. When we develop a habit of doing the same thing over and over again, it becomes a habit. You might not like the pressure at first, but to know that you have now taught your body to be controlled by the activities that you do over and over and over again are priceless.
Repetition gives birth to habit, and habit grows up to marry consistency.
Today I challenge you to pull out a plain sheet a paper and write “one” goal you have for “yourself” in business.
Now look again at the piece of paper with words that highlight what you’d like “to do” and tell yourself #wanting and #doing are two different things.
Most people stunt their growth because they are too busy trying to understand everything. When you learn a new concept what do you do with it?
Are the person that says, oh that’s cool and walks away?
Are the person that try’s it once maybe twice, then walks away?
Are you the person who goes on to play with it, until you’ve mastered it & come back looking to improve?
If you aren’t implementing what you already know, a plan of action will never help you.
You must become “action oriented” toward your business to see “progress”
Sometimes the best “blog posts” I have read were complaint letters, Seriously!
People have no problem taking a seat to write: what they don’t like, what injustice they feel they are experiencing, or you could do a better job catering to their weakness … I mean when you offend people they –> can and will serve you TV drama, and yet a…..
mere blog post, podcast, video,……. filled with that much passion, direction, and transparency is impossible to duplicate for them.
If anger is the fuel that causes creativity to flow through you, use it to create awesome things to help your audience uncover the true value of your business, brand product, and or service.
Today I choose repeat. If I did it once, I can do it again and again until I don’t even have to think about doing it. It becomes natural, my rhythm. Consistently flowing in my unique gifts is where I reside. To read full article click the link below. Also tell me what’s keeping you from finding your rhythm?
Repetition is Consistency’s Cousin via @askportia #SocialMedia
Portia Chandler