3 Rock Solid Tips to Prevent Ministry Burnout

Are you experiencing Ministry Burnout?

55k jEveryone has experienced or will experience fatigue, & lack of motivation. You will have your share of plain ole Ministry Burnout at some point in their life. We’re human. We bleed, We Bruise, and if we aren’t careful we might even break under too much pressure. It’s important to know your limits and when it is time for you to take a break to refuel, refresh, and regain your stamina before continuing to serve the body of Christ.

Check your stress levels periodically.

You can gauge your stress levels by measuring your response to certain situations that you would normal handle with professionalism and patience. If you find yourself easily agitated and less likely to pray before you respond you might be experiencing signs of Burnout. Walk away from heated discussions until you can think clearly about what’s actually taking place. Many times, when we have high stress situations in our homes and on our jobs we tend to snap on people we feel can’t retaliate. Unfortunately, church members and volunteers get what’s left over from an already overwhelming day. Walking away, and responding once you’ve had time to think things through is the best approach to handling conflict when stress levels are already at an all time high.

Take regular breaks from serving.

Be your own superhero by reminding yourself, that you must do more than survive, and that there is a call on your life to thrive. Keep it moving by taking much needed breaks. Give yourself a chance to fellowship without the strain of leadership. Spend time with people who respect your calling but honor your friendship, and family time.

Learn to say NO more.

Every idea and or suggestion can’t be implemented all at once. Work strategically within your church. Think about which projects will require your immediate attention and what others can be outsourced or tabled until further discussions,


Ministry is a lifestyle change. Just like any other great goal in life, you must stay in constant preparation for that special moment  when God chooses to use you for His Glory.