Church News
Church News has evolved with the increase of technology and digital space. The Internet has made it easy to spread important news fast. I can’t promise all of my updates will be breaking news or news about church people who do crazy things within the church, but my updates will be relevant news to the church, and its members, and those that have and are dedicating their lives to build, strengthen, and organize churches all across the world. Church Life is probably more culturally understood than universally embraced as a way of life, but for some of us who grew up in the last generation of real church kids who weren’t “preachers kids” will truly understand that life without several hundred church services a week was a rarity. So we learned to live life at church, with other church kids also known as your church family. So welcome to my writings about Church Life, feel free to leave an intelligent comment.
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MLK + Spiritual Freedom
Embracing Spiritual Freedom In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, finding spiritual freedom has become a profound journey for many. It transcends the boundaries of religious affiliations and beckons individuals to explore the depths of their inner selves. Spiritual freedom is not about escaping reality; rather, it’s about discovering a profound sense of […]

Embracing Spiritual Resilience in Times of Transition
Navigating the Depths: Embracing Spiritual Resilience in Times of Transition In the profound tapestry of life, transitions can be crucibles of growth and transformation. When pain becomes a companion on this journey, consider it a messenger inviting you to explore the realms of your spiritual resilience. Remember, the journey is not about escaping pain but […]

Prayer: Catch On Fire
Catch on Fire

Cloned Accounts and Hacked Facebook Accounts On The Rise
Grand Rising Good People,Over the weekend there has been reports of an unprecedented amount of hacked and cloned accounts. Hacked accounts is when someone takes possession of your account due to a security breach, weak password, or other nonconsensual means. We recommend changing your password(s) ASAP if you see any signs of someone being logged […]

Language: Do You Speak Churchish?
I’m totally guilty of using a few of these phrases in my day to day language amongst friends, family, and folk I choose to fellowship with. Do you think this type of jargon does more harm than good to the body of Christ? Body of Christ /body * of* Christ/ (the people who believe in […]
App: Bible Lens from YouVersion
Download Bible Lens from the Apple App Store Introducing the next all-new app from YouVersion, Bible Lens. Bible Lens lets you see your favorite pictures through the lens of God’s Word. Go to to download! #BibleLens See your life through a different lens. When you take a picture with Bible Lens, it identifies objects, expressions, and more… searches the Bible for […]

Church Growth Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read 7 Tips
Are You Struggling to Grow Your Church? Invite people to your church. Get your members talking about their church. Word of Mouth Marketing is still an extremely powerful and valuable form of communication that happens to be FREE. Share relevant, inspiring, and encouraging posts on your social networks that have minimal branding of your church […]

REVIEW: Church Minutes Done Right! (Get Minute)
Get Minute offers you a completely new way to hold meetings: digitally and on-line, in real-time cooperation. In the iPad / iPhone app or web app, you draw up the agenda together, add digital documents and make notes and agreements together. The result is more efficient meetings that do not require the use of paper […]

A Pregnant Elephant, A Pregnant Dog & The Church
An elephant and a dog became pregnant at same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog was pregnant again, and nine months after that the dog gave birth to yet another dozen puppies. This pattern continued for some time and on the eighteenth month […]

2 Truths The Church Won’t Preach On Fathers Day
The church and the world has a way of making excuses for the hard realities families face within the church. Instead of dealing with “what is” we try to get people to see “what could be.” Many church leaders describe this behavior as faith. Unfortunately this method of reasoning does more harm than good. God […]
New Music: Oh How I Love You @ZacardiCortez
Producing Non-stop Hits Any style, flow, and genre. Since 1977. Music a vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. What We Do Maecenas fringilla, nulla tincidunt ultrices placerat, ex erat dapibus erat, et aliquam turpis nibh ac dui. In hac habitasse […]
MLK + Spiritual Freedom
Embracing Spiritual Freedom In a world filled with constant noise and distractions, finding spiritual freedom has become a profound journey for many. It transcends the boundaries of religious affiliations and beckons individuals to explore the depths of their inner selves. Spiritual freedom is not about escaping reality; rather, it’s about discovering a profound sense of […]
Embracing Spiritual Resilience in Times of Transition
Navigating the Depths: Embracing Spiritual Resilience in Times of Transition In the profound tapestry of life, transitions can be crucibles of growth and transformation. When pain becomes a companion on this journey, consider it a messenger inviting you to explore the realms of your spiritual resilience. Remember, the journey is not about escaping pain but […]
Cloned Accounts and Hacked Facebook Accounts On The Rise
Grand Rising Good People,Over the weekend there has been reports of an unprecedented amount of hacked and cloned accounts. Hacked accounts is when someone takes possession of your account due to a security breach, weak password, or other nonconsensual means. We recommend changing your password(s) ASAP if you see any signs of someone being logged […]
Language: Do You Speak Churchish?
I’m totally guilty of using a few of these phrases in my day to day language amongst friends, family, and folk I choose to fellowship with. Do you think this type of jargon does more harm than good to the body of Christ? Body of Christ /body * of* Christ/ (the people who believe in […]
App: Bible Lens from YouVersion
Download Bible Lens from the Apple App Store Introducing the next all-new app from YouVersion, Bible Lens. Bible Lens lets you see your favorite pictures through the lens of God’s Word. Go to to download! #BibleLens See your life through a different lens. When you take a picture with Bible Lens, it identifies objects, expressions, and more… searches the Bible for […]
Church Growth Doesn’t Have To Be Hard. Read 7 Tips
Are You Struggling to Grow Your Church? Invite people to your church. Get your members talking about their church. Word of Mouth Marketing is still an extremely powerful and valuable form of communication that happens to be FREE. Share relevant, inspiring, and encouraging posts on your social networks that have minimal branding of your church […]
REVIEW: Church Minutes Done Right! (Get Minute)
Get Minute offers you a completely new way to hold meetings: digitally and on-line, in real-time cooperation. In the iPad / iPhone app or web app, you draw up the agenda together, add digital documents and make notes and agreements together. The result is more efficient meetings that do not require the use of paper […]
A Pregnant Elephant, A Pregnant Dog & The Church
An elephant and a dog became pregnant at same time. Three months down the line the dog gave birth to six puppies. Six months later the dog was pregnant again, and nine months after that the dog gave birth to yet another dozen puppies. This pattern continued for some time and on the eighteenth month […]
2 Truths The Church Won’t Preach On Fathers Day
The church and the world has a way of making excuses for the hard realities families face within the church. Instead of dealing with “what is” we try to get people to see “what could be.” Many church leaders describe this behavior as faith. Unfortunately this method of reasoning does more harm than good. God […]
New Music: Oh How I Love You @ZacardiCortez
Producing Non-stop Hits Any style, flow, and genre. Since 1977. Music a vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion. What We Do Maecenas fringilla, nulla tincidunt ultrices placerat, ex erat dapibus erat, et aliquam turpis nibh ac dui. In hac habitasse […]