Church News
Church News has evolved with the increase of technology and digital space. The Internet has made it easy to spread important news fast. I can’t promise all of my updates will be breaking news or news about church people who do crazy things within the church, but my updates will be relevant news to the church, and its members, and those that have and are dedicating their lives to build, strengthen, and organize churches all across the world. Church Life is probably more culturally understood than universally embraced as a way of life, but for some of us who grew up in the last generation of real church kids who weren’t “preachers kids” will truly understand that life without several hundred church services a week was a rarity. So we learned to live life at church, with other church kids also known as your church family. So welcome to my writings about Church Life, feel free to leave an intelligent comment.
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The Truth About Grace In 30 Seconds!
Saving Grace Satan didn’t mind Jesus “changing the world,” he just didn’t want Him to “save it” and this same revelation goes for you, that have been called to do a great work for the Kingdom of God. Be careful not to become overly frustrated in your attempts to change the world, and or to […]

Secrets to Breaking Out of Jail
“At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. Lord, I repent of waiting for the preacher or […]

Who Is Like The Lord?
QUESTION: Who is like the Lord? ANSWER: There is NOBODY like the Lord!!! He is The Prince of Peace The Bread of Life Wonderful Counselor Food to the Hungry Water to the Thirsty Shelter to the Homeless Salvation to the Lost Provision to the Poor Father to the Fatherless Mother to the Motherless He’s a […]

Katch.Me Is Closing Down
Most people know, I typically become emotional about Start Ups that don’t make it. I’m not sure why I tend to take the news so personal but I do. I’ve started many businesses in my life that weren’t super successful, but I’ve never started anything where my investment cost me my dream. Many readers may […]
Prayer for Order
Father, I know we as believers tend to act first then pray as a last resort, but this order of prayer leads to wrong turns, detours, and delays! God I ask right now that you design an alternate route back to you, so that as we move forward in faith we won’t be distracted by […]

LiveStream’s Live Event Camera, Movi now Called Mevo Delayed Until Late July 2016
In a short email released today, April 12, 2016 at around 2:20PM CST Jesse Hertzberg, CEO of Livestream told thousands of customers who preordered their Live Event Camera, Movi now called Mevo that their camera expected to be shipped this month would not be delivered for another three months in late July. They did not […]

Every church needs content writers
The last place you probably thought you would need to whip out your Grammar 101 skills is at your local church, but it’s true your church needs your writing skills to help with the flow of its daily activities. How can the church use your writing skills? * editing blog posts * writing blog posts […]

Facebook Live Introduces New Ways to Create Share & Discover Live Video
Facebook Live Video feature now allows users the ability to go live inside of your Facebook Groups and Facebook Events. You will also be able to access interactive features including live reactions, and replaying comments. You still have the ability to invite friends to watch a live Facebook Stream with you. If you have a […]
Longer Video Coming to Instagram
Instagram just announced on their official blog that users will now be able to share up to 60 seconds of video content on their pages. That is a whopping 45 extra seconds to create, record, and share your favorite clips from concerts, events, and or other special moments. This change may prove huge for churches, […]
25 Reasons People Don’t Go to Church
It seems like there’s a new church opening its doors every week where I live. It’s hard to believe that there is still a growing number of Christians who have stop going to church. When I was younger, I can’t remember missing a Sunday from church, in fact I started to believe we vacationed there. […]
The Truth About Grace In 30 Seconds!
Saving Grace Satan didn’t mind Jesus “changing the world,” he just didn’t want Him to “save it” and this same revelation goes for you, that have been called to do a great work for the Kingdom of God. Be careful not to become overly frustrated in your attempts to change the world, and or to […]
Secrets to Breaking Out of Jail
“At midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone’s chains were loosed. Lord, I repent of waiting for the preacher or […]
Who Is Like The Lord?
QUESTION: Who is like the Lord? ANSWER: There is NOBODY like the Lord!!! He is The Prince of Peace The Bread of Life Wonderful Counselor Food to the Hungry Water to the Thirsty Shelter to the Homeless Salvation to the Lost Provision to the Poor Father to the Fatherless Mother to the Motherless He’s a […]
Katch.Me Is Closing Down
Most people know, I typically become emotional about Start Ups that don’t make it. I’m not sure why I tend to take the news so personal but I do. I’ve started many businesses in my life that weren’t super successful, but I’ve never started anything where my investment cost me my dream. Many readers may […]
Prayer for Order
Father, I know we as believers tend to act first then pray as a last resort, but this order of prayer leads to wrong turns, detours, and delays! God I ask right now that you design an alternate route back to you, so that as we move forward in faith we won’t be distracted by […]
LiveStream’s Live Event Camera, Movi now Called Mevo Delayed Until Late July 2016
In a short email released today, April 12, 2016 at around 2:20PM CST Jesse Hertzberg, CEO of Livestream told thousands of customers who preordered their Live Event Camera, Movi now called Mevo that their camera expected to be shipped this month would not be delivered for another three months in late July. They did not […]
Every church needs content writers
The last place you probably thought you would need to whip out your Grammar 101 skills is at your local church, but it’s true your church needs your writing skills to help with the flow of its daily activities. How can the church use your writing skills? * editing blog posts * writing blog posts […]
Facebook Live Introduces New Ways to Create Share & Discover Live Video
Facebook Live Video feature now allows users the ability to go live inside of your Facebook Groups and Facebook Events. You will also be able to access interactive features including live reactions, and replaying comments. You still have the ability to invite friends to watch a live Facebook Stream with you. If you have a […]
Longer Video Coming to Instagram
Instagram just announced on their official blog that users will now be able to share up to 60 seconds of video content on their pages. That is a whopping 45 extra seconds to create, record, and share your favorite clips from concerts, events, and or other special moments. This change may prove huge for churches, […]
25 Reasons People Don’t Go to Church
It seems like there’s a new church opening its doors every week where I live. It’s hard to believe that there is still a growing number of Christians who have stop going to church. When I was younger, I can’t remember missing a Sunday from church, in fact I started to believe we vacationed there. […]